Benefits of Buying Eco Friendly Cotton Bags

Today’s world urgently needs to undergo many changes. The biggest threat of not adopting these changes is pollution that will be detrimental in the long run. One of the simplest steps towards a pollution-free lifestyle is tostart using cotton bags. While their manufacturing will have an impact on the environment, the fact that we can reuse them and that they are biodegradable makes them a much better option in directing us towards our goal for a pollution-free environment!!
Why Change:
Cotton bags are re-useable and that by itself makes them a more viable option than single-use plastic bags. Wash and dry!! makes them a more hygienic option thereby contributing directly towards a healthy lifestyle.
The manufacturing of cotton bags consumes lesser amount of our natural resources and this directly amounts to huge conservation of our natural bounty. Their biodegradable nature makes them a great friend of the marine life that is majorly impacted by our plastic wastes.
Cotton bags come in standard and organza cotton variants. Today more and more industries are moving towards the production of these bags as they are a greener and a non-toxic alternative to plastics.
Cotton bags are cheaper!! In most places plastic bags are chargeable !!
A friend of the Earth:
Let us remember that cotton is grown without any pesticides and is much better for local population and for the cultivation land quality. This makes it a much feasible option economically and environmentally.
Plastic production results in a big carbon footprint and pollutes soil and water. Plastics never disappear, it spreads into small pieces that pollutes the ocean and land. These microbeads have a direct impact on our health as they enter the food chain as well.
Finally Plastic bags are never recycled, the cost of recycling them is higher than their cost of production. This is the very reason why they land up in the incinerators and in our landfills polluting the earth for millions of years to come!!
With Earth Day coming up on April 22nd, it is the perfect time to look at ways to incorporate such sustainability into our lifestyle.
Sadly, despite this fact, the average plastic bag is only used for about 12 minutes before it is discarded: Imagine the amount of plastic waste in our homes, landfills, streets, and waterways!!!
What’s in it for us !!
Less plastic waste in the environment. We currently use 500 billion bags annually, worldwide. That’s 150 plastic bags per person, per year. If you connected all those bags from end to end, it would circumnavigate the world 4,200 times. Needless to say, an eco-friendly bag would significantly reduce this number.
No Photodegradation, ingestion, and pollution: Plastic bags that don’t make it to the landfill or recycling plant are at risk for photodegradation (light exposure that releases toxic polymer particles), ingestion (100,000 mammals each year), or pollution (10% of all coastline debris). The use of eco-friendly bags reduces the number of plastic bags entering the environment, and therefore the harmful possibilities thereafter.
Support and Embrace Eco friendliness: Eco-friendly bags are also a great way to show that you care. You can do this merely by using a generic bag, or by purchasing one with your favourite brand or slogan on it. There are a wide variety of reusable bags that come in different shapes, colours, and with bold messages.
Use the space for something worthwhile: Plastic bags can take up a lot of space!! Well, ditch them for something more sustainable and use the additional space for your other important stash!!
Many reusable bags, if made from natural materials, are biodegradable. So, trade in your plastic habits that take up to 1,000 years to disintegrate into smaller and smaller pieces, for something that is environment-friendly and biodegradable.
Feel happy about it: There are many problems associated with excessive plastic bag waste. If a single person transitions to reusable bags instead of plastic, they will save 22,000 plastic bags over a lifetime. In using an eco-friendly bag, you can shop knowing that you’re purchasing in a responsible way, doing your part to reduce plastic bag use for the years to come.
The advantages of using eco-friendly bags over plastic bags are endless. The biggest challenge to making that transition is in doing it !!
Invest in The Future
While Cotton bags may usually cost a little more than single use plastic bags, remember, you’re making an investment for the future.
Not just the future sustainability of you and your family but, the future of the world around us.